1 Million Gallon
Designed to remediate troubled ponds and prevent pond issues before they arise in healthy ponds. Our AquaSphere 1,000,000 gallon is perfect for fountains, small ponds, and water features. The naturally sourced bacteria is 100% safe for people, pets, plants, fish, and amphibians. Just toss the AquaSphere in your pond and forget about it. The patented slow release bacteria goes to work breaking down the excess organic material in the entire water column, cleaning and clarifying the water while reducing bottom sludge and muck. The AquaSphere goes to the bottom of your pond and starts to work immediately, treating pond problems where they start; from the bottom up! The AquaSphere provides 24/7 pond treatment for 30 full days. Once the treatment is expended the entire sphere will marine-degrade over time in the bottom of your pond.
Results usually visible in 45 days.
Add a new sphere every 30 days throughout the ice-free season.
For best results, AquaSphere should be paired with Pond colourant.
- Treats water bodies from 500,000 gallons up to 1,000,000 gallons.
- You cannot over-treat water, but under-treating may not yield desired results.
- Weight: 2.4Kg
- Calculate the total volume (in gallons) of the pond or area to be treated.
(Length x Width x Depth x 7.5 = Total Gallons) - Calculate the number of AquaSpheres required. For example: a pond measuring 40 feet wide by 100 feet long and averaging 10 feet deep would contain 3,000,000 gallons and therefore require 3 x 1,000,000 gallon Spheres (40 x 100 x 10 x 7.5)
1. Use in self-contained ponds and retention areas.
2. Keep Healthy Ponds products and refills dry until pond application.
3. Do not use with chemicals or algaecides.
4. Use the proper dose based on calculated number of required spheres.
5. Treat water over 45°F and under 110°F.
6. Replace each sphere every 30 days.
Our proven, powerful water cleaning treatment in a beautifully crafted, refillable floating lily dispenser. Our Aqualily Water Cleaner dispenser is perfect for fountains, small ponds, and water features. The naturally sourced bacteria is 100% safe for people, pets, plants, fish, and amphibians.
Simply remove the treatment pouch from the plastic bag, drop it into the dispenser, and place it where it will be covered in water. The patented slow release bacteria goes to work breaking down the excess organic material in the entire water column, cleaning and clarifying the water while reducing bottom sludge and muck. Comes complete with 2 refill packs. Replace the treatment pack every 30 days throughout the ice-free season. Expended treatment packs can be placed in compost. Results usually visible in 45 days.
- Treats water bodies from 0 gallons up to 1,000 gallons.
- You cannot over-treat water, but under-treating may not yield desired results.
- Weight: 900 grams.
1. Calculate the total gallons in the pond or area to be treated.
2. (Length x Width x Depth x 7.5 = Total Gallons)
1. Use in self-contained ponds and retention areas.
2. Keep Healthy Ponds products and refills dry until pond application.
3. Do not use with chemicals or algaecides.
4. Use the proper dose based on calculated number of required spheres.
5. Treat water over 45°F and under 110°F.
6. Replace each sphere every 30 days.